Do you have a skin care product graveyard? You know, that drawer full of products you bought because they promised you glowing skin, but didn’t deliver? Sadly, most of us do. As an acne sufferer, I was ALWAYS searching for (and purchasing) the miracle product for my skin. I’ll save the details on why one product would never work for acne for another post, but what if I told you those products you purchased COULD have helped had you used them correctly?
Working as an esthetician opened my eyes to the fact that we are never taught much about our skin or how to care for it. In fact, I can’t remember ever learning anything about skin function, skin health or the importance of your skin barrier. I also don’t remember learning a single thing about skin care products or ingredients and how they affect your skin. This leaves us all vulnerable to damaging our skin.
Your skin is an organ. It’s alive and needs to be protected and nourished. It has a massive job in protecting your insides from outside aggressors. Any breach in the skin barrier is an opportunity for pollutants, bacteria, fungi etc. to invade and cause inflammation or infection. Knowing this, I am shocked that caring for it isn’t given more attention in school.
The focus of this blog will be teaching you how your skin works, how to care for it better, how to handle acne, rosacea, eczema etc. and how to use the right products for your skin, the right way. Remember those products you bought that didn’t work? I am going to teach you how and when to use them. The skin care industry is a 500 billion dollar machine and full of deceit. I am going to arm you with the information you need to navigate it better.
I will also be speaking to people that are aging really well to see if we can find a common denominator among them. If you have someone in your life that seems to never age, send me an email with their information! I would love to interview them.
Follow along, let’s see what we uncover!
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